There are A LOT of moving parts in my life that seem to always be changing and if you are anything like me if I don’t write it down, I forget it. “So long sucker guess you weren’t important enough”… or were you? For me organizing all my thoughts in different collections have helped me not forget something. I can organize different topics, so I don’t lose track of it somewhere in the many bullet journal pages.

What Is A “Collection” and How to Use It?

A collection is a grouping of similar topics written out on a page or pages. Think of it like this… You are going to a bookstore to find “The Bullet Journal Method” by Ryder Carroll but there are a bunch of different books that you can buy. If everything was just thrown around all willy-nilly you are really going to have a hard time finding that one specific book. Well, how do bookstores get around this? They organize the many books by the age of reader, the genre or topic of the book, and then finally alphabetizing it by the authors last name. This makes it a lot easier to find exactly what you’re looking for and other similar books within that topic.

Collections are used the exact same way. Not only am I trying to organize all the different thoughts, tasks, and events that happen in my day to day life, I want to keep track of similar “books” on different pages. That way I don’t lose or forget anything that is important; things like hobbies to do, places to eat, financial goals, really list goes on and on.

How to Create a Collection?

If this is your first time starting a bullet journal (Yay!! So exciting!!), I recommend using the bare minimum or basics I talked about in my “What Is a Bullet Journal” blog post. When I first started using my bullet journal this is exactly what I did. After a while of using my journal, there was a podcast that one of my friends suggested I listen to. I wrote its name down in my weekly log and forgot about it. Classic. Here would’ve been a perfect opportunity for me to create a separate page that’s solely focussed on podcasts to listen to. The reason why I like doing this way of bullet journaling, is because I only add in spreads or collections that I think will add value into my life. I am not the most athletic or coordinated person when it comes to sports. The likelihood that I would have a “Sports to Try Out” collection in my bullet journal is very close to 0%. But if that is something that you are passionate about, and it adds value to your life this could be a collection that could end up in your bullet journal.

What if you are ready bullet journaling and have been for a while. Maybe you want to try new collections in your bullet journal or maybe you’re looking for inspiration on things that you’ve missed. Below I have some suggestions on different collection ideas you can use in your bullet journal. Just remember though that this list is not exclusive and there are so many other ideas that can be used in a bullet journal. If you have any collections that you currently use in your bullet journal that aren’t in the list below make sure to put it in the comments to help others out (plus I am always looking for more ideas!)

Different Bullet Journal Spreads to Include In Your Journal

  • Index
  • Key
  • Grid Spacing
  • Future Log
  • Monthly Log
  • Weekly Log
  • Daily Task List
Hobbies & Leisure
  • Goals (yearly, quarterly, monthly)
  • Vision Board
  • Skillshare Classes
  • Books to Read
  • Podcasts to Listen To
  • Movie List
  • Board Game Tracker
  • Calligraphy Lettering Practice
  • YouTube Video Ideas/To Watch
  • Beer Tastings
  • Blog Posts I Loved
  • Restaurants to Try
Mental Health
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Self Care Routine
  • Different Self Care Ideas
  • Medication Tracker
  • Level 10 Life
  • Scripture or Prayer
  • Year in Pixels Mood Tracker
  • Habit Trackers

Physical Health
  • Step Tracker
  • Workout Trackers (cardio, flexibility, weight/resistance)
  • Weight Tracker
  • Period Tracker
  • Sleep Tracker
  • Food Intake
  • Water Intake
  • Meals to Try
  • Grocery Lists
  • Calorie Tracker

Seasonal Trackers
  • Christmas Trackers
    • Gifts to Buy
    • Savings
    • Christmas Countdown
    • Stocking Stuffers
  • Birthday Gift Ideas
  • Count Down Trackers (trips, holidays, birthdays, events)
  • Baby Name List
  • Wedding or Baby Registry
Student Spreads
  • Timetable
  • Class Information
  • Grade Tracker
  • Course Syllabus
  • Homework Tracker
  • Assignment Tracker
  • Exam Prep Notes

Ongoing Lists
  • Favourite Music
  • Favourite Quotes
  • Favourite Banners & Fonts
  • Wish List
  • Camping List (what to bring and what to buy)
  • Road Trip Planner (Itinerary, packing list)
  • Date Ideas
  • When Did I Last?
  • 20 things to do before 20
  • 101 things to do before the end of the year

Work & Finances
  • Savings Tracker
  • Bills Tracker
  • Budget Spreads
  • Student Loans
  • Credit Card Debt
  • Car Repayment
  • Job Application Tracker
  • Project Board
  • Lesson Plans
  • Overtime Hours Tracker
  • Meeting Notes

Other Ideas
  • Life in Photos
  • Brain Dump
  • Package Tracker
  • Ideal Schedule or Daily Routine
  • Social Media Trackers (hours online)
  • Watering Plants
  • Favourite Recipes
  • Passwords
  • Pen/Market Test
  • Washi Tape Swatches
  • Doodle a Day
  • Weather Tracker
  • Doctor/Medical Information
  • Insurance Information
  • Moving House Trackers

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