Supplies Used:

Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen 2 Pens Hard and Soft Tip Black – (US) (CAN)

Sakura Micron 6-Piece Set – (US) (CAN)

Gelly Roll Sakura 08 3-pack – (US) (CAN)

Arteza Watercolours (A419 Jade Green, A434 Fern Green, A563 Sepia Brown) – (US) (CAN)

Coliro Metallic Watercolour Vintage Set (Gold) – (US) (CAN)

X-Acto No 1 Precision Knife – (US) (CAN)

5 pack washi tapes (blue, brown, black tones) – (CAN)

March 2022 Plan With Me

What can I say about my March Plan With Me for 2022… hmm well I think a good place to start is I literally could not, for the life of me, figure out what theme to use this month. Do you ever just have those moments where you want to plan something out that will be quick and easy BUT also want to use watercolour and make something spectacular? That was me this month.

Thankfully I bring my journal around wherever I go and keep a list of the theme ideas that I want to use in the future, but when that doesn’t work (since I have to be in the mood for certain themes) I have to figure something else out. After REALLY wanting a bubble bath I thought how simple drawing a bubble would be. It basically is a circle, so that covers the simple part, and I can use watercolours to add in different layers adding depth to the spreads.

Lately I have been a little in my head in trying to figure out life. I am not quite sure what to do when it comes to figuring out the world of adulting and the life I want to build. If you are anywhere in the early 20s life it can sometimes feel hard to navigate. When I feel like I have things figured out, something changes, and I start at ground zero. I usually add a quote of some sort into my cover pages relating to my mood and connecting to the theme. To help boost me up with some words of encouragement I added the saying “Don’t Pop Your Own Bubble”… in my opinion kinda captures exactly what I need this month.

If you are a beginner to using watercolours here is the two things to note for these spreads.

  1. The paper thickness matters and,
  2. To make colours lighter just add water

Since I am working out of the Archer and Olive Dot Grid Notebook, the paper thickness is 160 GSM. Now this is NOT watercolour paper, so when adding any type of liquid be mindful before it can curl the pages up if too much is used. To help me get around this I like to use a wet on dry technique. This means that I use wet watercolour (a lot of water) on dry paper. It helps control the amount of water I use on the paper and control of where the water goes. Personally in learning watercolours this is the techniques I use quite often.

When creating the bubbles I started with the lightest shade of green possible by adding a lot of water in relation to the amount of watercolour pigment. I switched between the Jade Green and Fern Green colours until the darker layers. That is when I added in some Sepia Brown to darker the green pigment even more.

When it comes to planning out my life a monthly calendar is a must. I am a creature of habit when it comes to this layout. Even if I stray from my usual calendar layout I quickly come back to the layout I love and the layout that works for me. Honestly it too me a while to figure out that I shouldn’t be adding in any spreads that aren’t going to add value to my life. When I was first starting to bullet journal and didn’t really know what I was doing I practiced what I saw. Knowing what I know now, I liked having access to all the different bullet journal spread ideas BUT instead of trying everything and anything just focus on what works for me. Not everyone is the same and that comes to a persons journal as well.

It is time for me to get serious this month when it comes to social media planning. Prior to my March plan with me spreads, I did not have something this detailed for my social media content. I guess I thought well if I don’t write it then there is no record for me that I failed… but also there is nothing keeping me accountable or organized. I find it easier to self-sabotage when it comes to going after things that I want. I can picture something that I want and in fear of “wasting time” that it won’t work out I waste time by not trying. I’ve recently been listening to The Perfectionism Project by Sam Laura Brown and she responded to a listener on that exact concept. In a roundabout way that is why I included a content calendar this month in my journal. It will keep me more accountable when it comes to building my YouTube, Instagram, and the Blog!

My gratitude log is one of those tried and true spreads in my journal. Mental health wise it is my go to because I whenever I am having a bad day, I can look back at something that I was grateful for. Each night my girlfriend and I chat about 3 good things to end off the day. My favourite moment or two if it fits lands in my journal. Even on the days where it was complete crap, I write down something small – I woke up today and took a hot shower. Something simple and small but still effective.

I am trying something new in my journal this month with a monthly reflection. Instead of solely dedicating a separate journal for my reflection writing, I am going to do a beginning and ending monthly reflection. If you are like me and use writing as an outlet, I have a whole journal on the more difficult times of my life. Not to say that it doesn’t have the really good times too but my emotions are most heightened when I am upset, scared or overwhelmed. For March I want to see where my headspace was at the beginning and the end of the month, my plan for prioritizing relationships and prioritizing myself (both of which I tend to drop the ball on). I’m looking forward to reflecting in at the end of month.

 My weekly spread I am IN LOVE with! Can I say that I think I might have it figured out this first week with the layout? Over the years of journaling, I have discovered that less is more when it comes to space for my daily tasks. I am the person who writes down everything and thinks “Yeah there is going to be enough time in the day to do everything”… oh how wrong you are. By limiting the area, I can write in each day makes me focus in on the top tasks.

What are you plans for March and how do you plan to organize your bullet journal?


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